The Things They Leave Behind...Part Two:Moving Day

Last Month I wrote a little story about ''The Things Our Kids Leave Behind". I began the story by telling you about the large Baby Grand Piano that sits in my tiny living room. 

Today I said goodbye to my old friend. That piano's been through a lot over the years, it has been transported from Pennsylvania to Florida, to a music store, to our townhouse, then to our new house in another county. Now, that thing I'd hoped that would someday happen, happened this morning. The piano is on a truck and moving to my son's home. He loves it so much and now he'll be able to play it every day, just like when he still lived at home.

Last night I couldn't get a little memory picture out of my mind. It was the memory of my son riding on his spring horse with his sisters taking turns sitting at the piano playing his favorite song for him, so he could ride to it. The song was one we all know, but don't know the name of, my kids called it "the Indian song". He would beg his sisters to "play the Indian song" and he'd jump on that spring horse and ride so hard that it would scoot across the floor, we'd all laugh and they'd do it all over again. Needless to say, at one o'clock this morning, I was having one of those "empty nest" moments, tears running into my ears as I played the scene over again, in my minds eye. 

This morning when I opened the door to Mike the piano mover I said, "Hello" and burst into tears. What a sap I am. I apologized to Mike and got a hold of myself and we got down to the business of getting this beast off to it's new home. I had a lovely visit with Mike and his assistant. They were so sweet to let me take pictures of them doing their job. I told them I would be using them for my Blog which sparked conversation about "What is TOWANDATUDE ?"  after explaining it to them, I apologized for not displaying much TOWANDATUDE crying like a baby earlier. Mike replied; "But isn't crying showing strength ? You're strong enough to show how you really feel, right ?" Wow, out of the mouth's of young men. I'll take that and Thank You for saying it ! 

As the guys walked down the driveway to get into the truck, Mike turned back to me, threw his fist up in the air and yelled out "TOWANDATUDE !!" I loved that, I thought to myself, "How did he know that's what me and my girlfriends do ?" (Small Miracles ARE everywhere).  

So, I am back in the house, doing what I love, rearranging the furniture (there's so much space, wow) and sharing with you. AND, Thanks to Mike's reminder, I'm doing it with a whole lot of TOWANDATUDE ! 

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Farewell old friend !

Farewell old friend !

Small Miracles

MIRACLE -  an incandescent amazing event or moment, BIG or small. 

There are little miracles happening all around us. Delightful little pleasures that if I take time to stop and notice them will bring a smile to my face. Sometimes I am so caught up in taking care of the BIG stuff that I neglect the little bits of wonderfulness all around me.   I must remember to stop and look for the small miracles.

*  here are a few small pleasures that brought delight to me in my own backyard !


A little Grand-buddy ! Greatest Miracle of all ! 

A little Grand-buddy ! Greatest Miracle of all !


Don't give up on your dreams

Serene -  adj. marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude. unruffled, undisturbed.

Serenity -noun  the quality or state of being serene.

Serein- a very fine rain falling from a clear sky just after sunset. 

When going through a tough time in my life and experiencing a complete life "overhaul" many years ago, my future was uncertain. Where would we live ? What would I do to support myself ? Even though the future was uncertain, the canvas was wide open for painting the picture of what I would like my life to look like someday. I dreamed a lot about it, I wrote in my journals about it. I cut out pictures of what I'd like a home to look like and pasted them in a book. I kept those dreams close to my heart.

The words-definitions opening this post are written in those journals over and over.  They helped me to feel peaceful when I was alone and struggling. I dreamed of someone to love and to be loved in return, a yellow house and a place where I could garden, a place of serenity.

Don't give up on your dreams, hold fast to them, keep dreaming, envisioning your future, write about them, pray about them, hold them close to your heart. Above all Never, Ever, Give Up On Your Dreams. 

*below is a picture of me & Mr,Wonderful in front of what would become our little yellow dream house. 


Me and Mr. Wonderful, in front of what would become our little yellow dream house.

Me and Mr. Wonderful, in front of what would become our little yellow dream house.

Whatever is Good...

Whatever is True, whatever is Worthy of Reverence and is Honorable and Seemly, whatever is Just, whatever is Pure, whatever is Lovely and Lovable, whatever is Kind and Winsome and Gracious, if there is Anything Worthy of Praise, Think On and Weigh and Take Account of These Things, Fix your Mind On Them. *Philippians 4:8

If I could just begin each day with this as my creed, think how lovely each day would be when viewing the world, the potential for beauty in each day and my part in it. A day of beauty and peace filled with Towandatude. My quest continues.


Photo taken by Mr.Wonderful on our road trip to Maine.  

Photo taken by Mr.Wonderful on our road trip to Maine.  


What is it that I see in women that makes me say they have Towandatude ?  It's a little something that's not always evident on the outside, but just get to know them and you will feel it, know it and be inspired by it. It's an attitude for sure, but more than that, it's a virtue. When you talk to women that posses it, you are left feeling inspired by just being in their company. Every woman has a story. Whether it's your childhood story or your adult story, it's the story that makes YOU unique. YOUR story is filled with nuances uniquely your own. Things that shaped and formed you into the person you have become. Those events and challenges that we face can shape us as VICTIM OR VICTOR. 

My girlfriend Belinda's Mom is about to turn ninety six. She's a very southern lady filled with Towandatude. One of my favorite sayings of hers is; "YOU'VE GOT THE SAME DRAWERS TO GET GLAD IN" I hear Miss Adez (pronounced A-Deez) say that in my head when i start to feel sorry for myself !  

It's true, no matter what life throws at us, we make the choice of how we will respond. I have known women with stories that range from domestic abuse to cancer. Maybe your suffering was silent, depression and anxiety are often suffered in secret. Some women have had to face their children having a serious illness, that's a tough challenge to face.

I was so taken this past spring by the story of a gal I've known for many years. Her family lost their home and all their keepsakes to a fire. I had breakfast with her a short time after the fire. She told us about the experience and as she spoke I heard the same brave heart that had faced breast cancer years before, and then launched her own dream business. What an inspiring woman you are Ellen.   

We are surrounded by a world of amazing women filled with Towandatude ! We all have stories of overcoming adversity and changing up our lives to fit our circumstances. Be inspired today by your own story. Take some time to be inspired by someone else's story. And, if you are feeling down, Always Remember what Miss Adez says;  "YOU'VE GOT THE SAME DRAWERS TO GET GLAD IN !"   


A group of Towandatude filled ladies. That's our friend Ellen on the end in pink.

A group of Towandatude filled ladies. That's our friend Ellen on the end in pink.

You Just Might Make A Friend Today

We never know when we leave home in the morning who we will encounter or how our lives will touch someone else. Something as simple as your smile, your "hello" or brief conversation may be the small offering someone else needs this very day

 In 1974 I was taking classes part time and nearing graduation from High School. I took a part time job at the local mall across town. I did not drive, so I caught the bus every day at the corner stop. One morning on the bus, a tall thin woman a little older than me approached me and ask if she could sit with me. She had dark brown hair and wore a very stylish T-shirt dress and sandals that were popular at that time. She was so pleasant and outgoing, immediately striking up a conversation, saying that she had seen me at a local youth ministry. It turned out that she and her husband worked there. Her name was Candy.

A life long friendship was born that day, all because she took the time to make her way across the isle of that public bus to talk to me, a stranger. A foundation of friendship was cast and forty one years later, we are still best friends today. We have raised our children together, gone through many personal life changing trials together and I can honestly say, I can't imagine what my life would be today without her. Again, all because she took the time to greet me, to know me.   

I was part of a non-denominational mercy missions organization several years ago. One thing that always stuck in my heart that I learned in my time there, was the importance of a persons name. Much of our identity is married to our name. In many cultures your family name means everything. It speaks a lot to someone when you remember their name. It doesn't take much to read the names of the cashiers and bag girls /guys at my local supermarket, I'm surprised at my (usual forgetful) self that after a couple of times, I remember them by heart from our conversations over groceries. One of the things I noticed about my husband when we were dating, was that he always took the time to ask waiters their names, remembering them and engaging them in conversation. I liked that about him.

I try to look people in the eye and say their name. When they ask me how I am, I ask   them back and take a minute to listen to their reply. I try to remember my friend's example that it only takes a second to be kind, to make someone feel special.You could be like my friend on the bus and who knows, you just might make a friend today.  


Candy and her grateful friend, yours truly. 

Candy and her grateful friend, yours truly. 

Let's Start a Revolution, A Ladies Reformation !

It all started back in Junior High

This Ugly Thing with criticaeyes  

That thing that's always in the back of your mind 

Wondering, "What fault in my appearance will another girl find  

to pick me apart ?"  

So right from the start you began your day defeated 

You left your house and competed 

to be someone you hoped would be accepted 


When we see a gal whose roots have gone gray or whose waist has gone away 

INSTEAD    of the usual "Bless her heart"

lets look beyond appearance and say;

"She has many qualities to celebrate, so I will not berate my fellow Gal Pal, no, not for one minute !" 




and all the gifts that are specific only to her being 

I will look at her true beauty  without envy

and know her for who she truly is 

Beyond her taste in clothes, the color of her hair, 


So, I will leave home today with new eyes to see, 




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My room

 I read a short story the other day by Southern born and bred Author Rick Bragg. His writings are favorites of mine and I look forward to reading them each month on the last page of Southern Living Magazine. Last month his story was entitled "Stillness". He talked about lying in bed at night as a child and hearing the train whistle in the distance. This line painted such a vivid picture of a memory from my own childhood that I have never forgotten.

I grew up in a very tiny little two bedroom cottage that was painted pink. I shared a small bedroom with my baby brother at the back side of the house. It contained two twin beds, a dresser and not much space to walk around. One window at the head of the bed faced east and the window at the foot end faced north. At night I could hear the train whistle and even the rumble of the train on the tracks. I would lie awake wondering where it was going and who was on it. I was also consumed by thoughts of what was east of those tracks. It was another world. There were other parts of town beyond those tracks, neighborhoods that seemed light years away, where different sorts of people lived lives in fancy neighborhoods. Beyond those neighborhoods a bridge took you across a body of water and on to the island of Palm Beach where very wealthy people lived extremely different lives. There were mansions built on the ocean there and back then people like the Kennedy's and the Post's lived in them.   

Outside the north window at the foot of my bed was a huge mango tree, beyond that a lush orange tree. Giant elephant ears grew in that very shady area, it was sort of rain forest like. There was a faucet back there to connect the hose to. It had a slow leak and my Mam-ma had an old metal bucket under it. I could hear the tiny plunk, plunk as the drops hit the water. When it rained I loved to lie on my bed with my head at the foot and watch the rain in that section of the yard. The rain hit the clam shell metal awnings that shaded the windows, and fell on the elephant ears trickling down into the ferns and periwinkles planted there. I loved the sound of it and there was nothing better than lying there listening to it and writing sappy poetry or reading a  book. A glorious shelter that was so comforting. 

The opposite ends of the bed and the windows placed there looked out onto a view of what my life would become. Out that east window I would meet people on the other side of those tracks as I entered my teenage years. I met Mr. Wonderful over there when we were fourteen. Little did I know that he would become Mr.Wonderful thirty five years later. In my late thirties I traveled by train across Thailand with my kids sleeping in births as the little train made it's way through villages and lush forests. In my forties I moved back home and ended up watching over some of those houses over on the Island while supporting my little family. Who knew that little girl dreaming inside that east facing window would grow up and do those things ?

Everywhere I lived in my adult life I have attempted to re-create the vision, the feeling I felt looking out that North window. The little rain forest, right down to the elephant ears and happy little periwinkle flowers. You will see them all where I live now. I feel that serenity as I look out of the screen porch while listening to the rain as I write these words today. Hopefully, not too sappy.

**Thank you Rick Bragg for the memory prompt. 


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A Little List of Some Super Short Inspiring Reading

Here's a little list of some books that I have found inspirational in the quest for Towandatude in my life.  I love to read and always have a novel going. I have listed some tiny books here though that are quick and inspiring. Sometimes it's hard to make time for a big book, so these are weekend do-able.

The WAR of ART by author Steven Pressfield "BREAK THROUGH THE BLOCKS AND WIN YOUR CREATIVE BATTLES" This little book has been so inspiring to me. He found me out ! At only 165 pages and tiny little to the point chapters, it's a quick weekend read.

The Art Of Growing Up by author Veronique Vienne "SIMPLE WAYS TO BE YOURSELF AT LAST"  I love this book. The beautiful photography by Jeanne Lipsey, the author's daughter is so soothing, while the read is gently inspiring. Another shorty at 93 pages. It's one that I have read and re-read many times. I know you are going to love it. **Other books by this author include, The Art of Imperfection & The Art of Doing Nothing. 

THE PULL OF THE MOON by author Elizabeth Berg. This book is a short novel just 216 pages. If you are a mid-life lady (that's my nice way to say peri or post menopausal) this book will resonate with you. OR if you have a Mom whose new quirkiness you just can't figure out, you may gain some understanding from this read. I felt like someone had read my thoughts and placed them between the pages.

MEDITATIONS FOR WOMEN WHO DO TOO MUCH by Anne Wilson Schaef  "Daily meditations to help women break the cycle of doing too much-for workaholics, rushaholics, and careaholic's" There's some pretty amazing stuff in this little book. Broken down into daily thought provoking little bits. I try to read one of these bits each day. It's a true gem you will love. Give yourself permission to be You.  

 Jesus Calling by Sarah Young "Devotions for Every Day of the Year"  Part of my morning devotional time is also spent reading a page a day in this inspirational book. There is a passage for each day of the year and scripture verses to look up. It inspires me in my faith.

 AND, JUST FOR FUN... A Southern Belle Primer- or why-Princess Margaret will never be a Kappa Kappa Gamma by Marilyn Schwartz. It's kind of silly but there are things in this book that I grew up with having been raised by Southern ladies, it's good to laugh at yourself.

Enjoy YOUR weekend ! 

Little t iny Reads, BIG Inspiration. 

Little t iny Reads, BIG Inspiration. 

The Things They Leave Behind...

There is a LARGE Baby Grand Piano sitting in my small living room. Bookshelves filled with books for kids sized infant to adulthood are in our guest room and a custom made doll house waits for a child's small hands to come back and play. These are the things that have been left behind from a childhood. They were actually left in other houses that we lived in over the years. I've just kept lugging them with me, the faithful 'keeper of the stuff' they left behind, wherever I've moved to, just in case. In case of what ? you might ask me. Oh, just in case they might want them when they have a home, or maybe they might want them for their children someday. The truth is, it's our history, and I am a keeper of history. A history I cannot release my grip on. It was an era of the most favorite time of my life. 

I have friends whose homes I visit and I see their Mommy history there. A G.I.JOE action figure dangles from the chain to a light over my friends dining table. Her son is now in his twenties, but G.I. Joe remains, as though he just climbed up there yesterday. Just last week, two separate friends told me that they have all of their kids things in storage bins in their sheds. Boxes, books, child sized chairs, toddler toys, self portraits, the list is endless, but what you can't see is what we see when we look at those things. The small boy who climbed the dining room chair to affix his army man to that light fixture. A toddler boy who carried that stack of  field guides aka; "bug books" under his chubby little arm everywhere he went. A wild haired little brunette who sat in front of her custom made doll house, playing with her tiny mouse family who lived in there. A little blonde haired wonder who sat in that wee chair and made me pictures by the hour at that tiny table. These are our Mommy memories, and sometimes it's hard to let go of the physical manifestations of them. Maybe we didn't want it to end. So don't be too hard on us "keepers of the stuff".

Who knows ?  Maybe my son will need that piano some day.  


This 'left behind' item was from my son's   teenage years. I'm not sure I want to know the story behind it. It guards the little shed out back.

This 'left behind' item was from my son's   teenage years. I'm not sure I want to know the story behind it. It guards the little shed out back.

Eradicate the Ferns / Little Foxes

One of the many faults that I posses is being an over thinker. I will over analyze something into the ground. It's horrible and the time that I seem to be most susceptible to this malady is around three a.m.. Yes, that's A.M. ! Now that sleeping through the night is a semi-regular occurrence, my mind takes off on flights of over analyzing EVERYTHING ! It seems that nightmares are better than this. I know that I am not alone in my goofiness. We all do it. Most folks just don't talk about it, then there's me, who puts it out there for discussion.  

One morning last week I was reading in my little morning devotional a scripture verse that means a lot to me. It's from the Song of Solomon, "Catch the little foxes for us, the little foxes that are ruining the vineyards while the fruit is on the vine...". I have always heard this interpreted as a metaphor for those little things that distract us in life, the ugly things, the gossip, hearsay, envy and petty grievances, "foxes" that "spoil the fruit" of a good life. Whether the thoughts are real or perceived, we do it, it's part of being a human being. 

Today, I set out on a quest to trim palm trees at the entryway to our home. I planted ferns underneath the palms last year, those ferns have since taken hold and are setting out to take over the world. I have never seen so many ferns in one spot. As I started my quest to take back the front of the house, I began to yank those ferns out by the fist full. There were piles of ferns everywhere. I started thinking, "these ferns are like the 'little foxes' in my life, if I give them an inch they will take me over".

Thinking back to my three a.m. appointment with those "little foxes" last night, I began to realize how important it is for us to not let the "ferns" the "little foxes" take hold in our mind and emotions. Keeping a clear path for goodness to flow through us. I am no good to anyone when my mental "garden" is filled with overgrowth of petty grievances. I must daily set out on a quest to "catch the little foxes" and "eradicate the ferns", so that this journey, this brief existence I have here will be filled with the sweet blossoms of life. And that life, is the life I hope to live.



The Fern Eradication, a Life Long Quest ! 

The Fern Eradication, a Life Long Quest ! 

Essential Items For Your Week.

TOWANDATUDE- Impassioned, Vivacious, Effervescent Spirit. Exhibited by Tenacious, Powerful Women. Who, having overcome adversity, have AWAKENED ! Possessing Strength & Independence. Eager to make their way in the world and EXUBERANTLY PURSUE THEIR DREAMS ! 

Some essential wardrobe items for your week.  **Gloves fashioned by Noelle Lacy Kujala, Crown by Hannah Ruthie of LOST TRADER ART** 

Some essential wardrobe items for your week.  

**Gloves fashioned by Noelle Lacy Kujala, Crown by Hannah Ruthie of LOST TRADER ART** 

Yoga Pants Sunday

Yes, it's Yoga Pants Sunday, and to top it all off it's a rainy Sunday, MY FAVORITE kind of day ! When I was a single Mom, my son often spent his Sunday's at his Dad's house. Sunday was the day that I hung out at home (usually) in my old P.J.'s and cleaned the house. Sometimes I'd watch a movie or read a book after my chores were completed. It was glorious, fashion free, hair-do free, and make up free. Free to be alone with me. 

Mr. Wonderful owned a Harley when we got married. So Sunday's were usually spent riding around on the back of the motorcycle. A while back we sold the bike and purchased our goofy 1974 V.W. "THING". If you don't remember what that is, there are pictures of our "grape" colored THING in my Gallery. We often go for a drive in it on Sunday's now when the weather is nice. But Mr.Wonderful has started to come around to my way of thinking when it's super hot outside. He hangs out in a T-shirt and shorts and watches golf or reads a book. Conformity happens after a few years of marriage !  

So today is a cozy day in Florida, overcast and rainy. I have donned my favorite Yoga pants (they have taken the place of all day P.J.'s) and we are going to watch something on  Netflix and snack. This is the kind of day I call a 'Yoga Pants kind of day'. Embrace your inner slug and enjoy your Sunday !  

Mr Wonderful and me on a Sunday drive in the THING.

Mr Wonderful and me on a Sunday drive in the THING.

It's Friday. I'm hoping to hear from You. Today's Post, Company's Coming !

Good Morning, I am up and at'em super early this morning. The vacuum cleaner buzzing, sweet tea brewing, got the ironing board up and my spray starch out, there's yummy smells coming from the oven. I'm on a deadline. Why ? Company's coming that's why !  

My friend Marci arrives later today. It will only be a short visit, but any visit with a girlfriend is good. I want to give you a quick background story here... 

My parents marriage ended when I was seven. We (mom, brother  & me) moved back to our family in Floida. I entered the first grade late in the school year, where I was placed in a classroom of strangers that had four month's of classroom bonding under their belt. My new teacher sat me next to a sweet, quiet, blonde haired girl named Marci. That's where our friendship began. If opposites attract, this union was a sure hit. Quiet and shy blonde meets talkative, wild haired brunette. As they say, the rest is history. Our history. The history of an early childhood spent with a friend. She was the friend that I walked to school with, traded clothes with and played after school with. We did goofy stuff like saving our money and buying matching outfits. Our parents even took us on each other's family vacations. Heck, I can still tell you her childhood address and phone number !   

Today that friend is coming back home for a brief visit. I think we all have one of those girlfriends from childhood. I was wondering about you ? Do you still keep in touch with an old friend ? Will you send me a post and tell me about a long time best girlfriend in your life, here or on the Facebook page ? Hey, send a picture too !  I'll be waiting to read about you and your friend. Meanwhile, it's back to cleaning ! Have a great Friday ! 


Marci, Me and my daughter on a trip to see the Rockettes for my Birthday.

Marci, Me and my daughter on a trip to see the Rockettes for my Birthday.

Whatever You Dream You Can Do...

"Whatever YOU CAN DO or DREAM YOU CAN, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it !"  -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I have always loved this quote. For many years I had a little Mary Englebreit drawing with this quote on it taped to my bathroom mirror. I kept dreaming, but rarely did I "begin it".  

All my life I have written things. Stories, poetry, letters, grocery lists, two half finished children's books etc... I have poetry I wrote in childhood, in school or in the closet. Some was dark teenage romancesque. A bookshelf holds many years worth of journals and dust. Mostly with any of the things I was just "sort of" skilled at, I did nothing.

When I was blessed with three incredibly artistic children, I was determined that they would not fall into my footsteps. I quickly learned that you cannot fight someone else's blockages for them. Thankfully, over the years they have fought for themselves and won, creating amazing beauty. 

Recently I have been reading a book entitled "The War of Art". The Author's name is Steven Pressfield. In his short little book, he talks about this lack of follow through. He names it "RESISTANCE". I am a lover of resistance. I'll follow any path you place before me rather than finish a dream. Just call me when I'm writing, I'll answer ! That's another way to say I'm a self sabotager. ( I know spell check, I know ! ) Why create today what I can put off for another year ?  

I know that many of you are just like me. You have secret dreams, visions of things you'd love to create, maybe it's a painting, or maybe it's a wall in your home. Maybe you'd like to garden, but have no yard ? Make some planter gardens. DO one teeny tiny little thing. It will open the path for your creativity to shine through. We're all just waiting to see your beauty shine ! 

So, muster up some TOWANDATUDE and remember what Mr. Goethe said; "WHATEVER YOU CAN DO OR DREAM YOU CAN, BEGIN IT. BOLDNESS HAS GENIUS, POWER AND MAGIC IN IT" and YOU ARE MAGICAL ! In all the world there is NO ONE quite like YOU. Glorious, Magnificent YOU.


A little planter from a while back

A little planter from a while back

You lie, your feet stink and your mother's in the bathtub ! Just one of those lines from Mom..Happy Birthday Momma Janie !

 I come from a long line of Southern Women filled with Towandatude. There was my Mam-ma, my Aunt Mildred and my Momma Jane. There are many versions of  us Towanda filled females. You may not see it in yourself, but those around you do. My Momma Jane is one of those gals, who would never see herself that way, but I do. I see it in her, I have lived it with her. You see, Towandatude isn't about being a bad a** you know what, it's about strength, courage and dignity to carry on no matter what you have to endure. My Mom is that example to me.

Today is my Mom's Birthday and in honor of her and her example to me over the years, I honor her today with this post. It's a little something I do called alphabet affirmation. 

 J is for Jesus, You love Him and raised us with this example. You are full of his Love, and a shining example of your faith.

A is for affection. We are one huggie, kissie,  hand holding affectionate family. It's all because of your affectionate example. 

N is for NEVER being a "mean girl". You lead us by your example of  kindness, thoughtfulness and sweetness and your Towandatude. Although I may not have always followed your example, (like the time I threw that pork chop at your date) I aspire to live that example.

 E is for example of endurance. The example of endurance that you have displayed throughout your life gives me courage to carry on. 

The one thing that is missing here is hilarity. Momma Jane, ("Janie" or "O.J." as she is known to her friends and family) is funny. We grew up with LOTS of silliness in our house, that tradition of goofiness  continues to her Grandchildren. "A joyful heart is a good medicine" as the scripture says, is an understatement in her character. 

Happy Birthday to my beautiful example of Love, Momma Jane. 


Momma Jane with her Great Grandsons on a recent camping adventure.  

Momma Jane with her Great Grandsons on a recent camping adventure.  

The Towandatude Queen and her tude-hopeful daughter, 1958.

The Towandatude Queen and her tude-hopeful daughter, 1958.

YIKES! It's Really A Jungle Out There

Aaahhh..The tranquil beauty of my garden..fountains gurgling, butterflies flitting, birdies singing. The sound of the harmonic wind chimes and bamboo singing soothingly as the breeze gently blows. Birdies flopping around in the bird bath's, fragrant jasmine...**cue the sound of brakes squealing...   

DO NOT BE FOOLED MY FRIEND !  It's all a facade, It's really a jungle out there !

See that lavender bush ? I was finally able to grow one. A miracle in this region. Look closer, there's a wasp nest in there. Thus, the reason my pinky finger looks like a sausage link presently. 

There's my nemesis, MR.SQUIRREL. He daily empties my feeders and regularly takes them apart. Sam Squirrel ( well of course I have named him ) loves to dig in my hanging orchids, what he's after I don't know. I greet him with my MIME RIFLE, *(mime rifle-no longer operating bee-bee gun)  I am not sure why, but he always runs away.

Oh, and there's the GIANT POISON BUFO TOAD (bufo marinus)  that almost took out my Charlie Boy a while back. A midnight run to the Animal E.R. and $300.00 later, Charlie pulled through. 

A few weeks ago as my daughter exited our front door, she was greeted by a crazy RACCOON, just hangin' around on the front porch. It may have been ROCKY'S wife. (remember Rocky Raccoon in the back yard in an earlier post?) 

And last but not least, MOLES IN THE SWIMMING POOL. Yes friends, that's right, they swim ! Funny, I never thought of them as aquatic animals. Turns out those digging paws double as flippers if one desires a little dip in the pool. Who knew ?  

Ahhhh..yes, the tranquil garden, so beautiful and serene. Perhaps I'll just enjoy the beauty from the screen porch, while I muster up some TOWANDATUDE to get back out there ! Mr. Wonderful, bring me my Mime Rifle...


Percy, our resident PAINTED BUNTING. He and his wife Penny show up every year.

Percy, our resident PAINTED BUNTING. He and his wife Penny show up every year.

The Secret Place

Do You have a secret place ? A location that you retreat to, to be alone with YOU. Sometimes it's not so much the location as it is the isolation.  When my children were young, my secret place was at the little table in front of the window in our kitchen. Almost every day at nap time you could find me there. I would brew myself a lovely cup of tea, dole out one of my hidden "for mommy only" Mint Milano cookies, and read or write. For a glorious half hour or so, this was my time alone. Time to re-group, re-charge and preserve my sanity. 

Years later, when I was going through a particularly rough time in my life, my step Father approached me with a question. He asked me where my favorite place to go was and what was my favorite thing to do that would make me feel happy ? Think about it, he said, and do it, make time for you. I gave it some thought and carved out time a couple of times a week to make a late afternoon trip after work, with my son and one of his friends to go and sit at the beach. Mostly I just sat there watching the waves, listening to the sounds. Later I began to write or draw. I started to feel like I could sort through things and carry on with my future.

Now, as  you know from earlier posts, my favorite no secret-secret place is on my screen porch. I am always accompanied by my Charlie Boy (the 14 yr.old killer cockapoo) and The Dinosaur (my 8 yr.old laptop). I try and make it out there really early in the morning for a little time of devotions and writing. I have to say it's an integral part of my day.

These quiet golden times are a place where you meet YOU. It's okay to be selfish about them. It's your special time. It's Your date with the beauty of your very own self. To listen to your thoughts and to dream. Or maybe just read someone else's thoughts and get inspired. It's a great place to dream big dreams of what you might do.. The possibilities are endlessly filled with your very own Towandatude

 Go ahead, take some time and   make some time just for you.


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