Vegetable Garden in a TUB.

It's getting to be that time again, time to think about a veggie garden. While I know that many friends are still under a blanket of snow, Spring will be here before you know it! The weather here in "mostly always sunny south Florida" has taken a turn for the HOT. I guess Spring has arrived for us. Let the sweating commence!


We have tried many vegetable garden attempts here at our little yellow house. Some have gone great, others have bombed! Last fall, we tried something new and it's worked well enough that I am now planting my Spring garden the same way.

I'm sharing it with you today, and maybe it will be a good match for you. It's a great gardening method for anyone without much yard space or poor soil.

I started out with a large, old galvanized tub given to me by a friend who was moving away.  We purchased two more at our local feed store/tractor supply.

Mr.W. drilled holes in the bottom for drainage, then set them on bricks on our patio. The bricks keep them off the ground and allow for good drainage.


Next, we filled them with soil and cow manure. I keep my morning coffee grounds and egg shells (which I crush) and mix them in with the soil.

Add your choice of seeds, cover with soil, sprinkle with water and there you go! In a few weeks you will be on your way to your very own lettuce beds right outside your door.


This method is great for lettuce, spinach, arugula or for an herb garden. Things that do well in shallow soil. 

I hope this was helpful, and if you do try it out, send me some photos! As always, I love to hear from you reader friend!

Blessings, Towandagal-KayLou

Here's our trio, on the patio!